

8:30 AM – Zoom Sing and Share
9:30 AM – Zoom Salt & Light Club for Children
11:00 AM – Worship Gathering in the Multipurpose Room

We gather weekly on Sundays to celebrate our life in Christ and worship together as a community of faith. Services include worship in song, giving, prayer, sharing, reflection, learning, inspiration and fellowship. We believe that the Spirit of Christ is present with us to lead us in worship. We believe that the teaching of God’s Word is an essential element of our services. We also regularly allow time for open worship to listen quietly to the Lord and share as we are led.

CDs of services can be ordered for free by emailing or calling the office at 503-538-5903. Audios of sermons are coming soon to this website.

Salt and Light Club

Making worship a positive experience for children is a priority at West Chehalem Friends. We have the children join in the service at the beginning and they are dismissed part way through the service for Salt and Light Club. This program is for preschool and elementary students through third grade. The group is divided and the older children practice Bible quizzing. On the second Sunday of each month the children stay in for the full service. This is done so that they can learn to be in worship with their families. Children’s bulletins are supplied each week with games, word puzzles and pictures to color.

Nursery Care

During our worship services we offer nursery care for babies and toddlers. Our nursery is located near the sanctuary and is staffed by volunteers from the church. All of our child-care workers have gone through a background check. They provide a loving and safe environment for the little ones while parents attend the service.